Sunday, December 26, 2010

Still Believes

After several days of celebrating a very merry Christmas, today was the day we lazed around and enjoyed the presents.  Santa came through with Matthew's socks and the much-desired vegetable peeler. "Uh, this isn't the right one," he announced as he opened it, but a test run with a carrot proved it worthy.  Despite the lack of written correspondance, Cameron's time on Santa's knee was apparently well-spent, as he scored an awesome Harry Potter Lego set AND the sushi set of his dreams.

Today, Cameron and I hit the store to pick up wasabi and soy sauce and sushi rice and, of course, fish.  As we made our selections, I saw a sushi set on display.  I pointed it out to Cameron who replied, "But mine's better."  I was pleased, but asked what made his better.  "Uh, because we didn't have to PAY for it?" he answered. 

1 comment:

Gail said...

Love it! That is one sweet kid!