Friday, August 13, 2010

An investment in his future

Summer is for swimming, especially when the summer temperature seems to be averaging about eleventy sevenish degrees. 

I think swimming tends to be a bit more fun if you know how to swim, so Cameron has been taking lessons all summer.  He has loved every minute of it, declaring it "a rating of 80 fun" which is a tie for first place with Lego camp.  High praise indeed!

Matthew started the summer off fairly hesitant about the water, which I believe was in part because he felt it infinitely preferable to take advantage of the basketball court nearby.  He's been won over, though, by the cool water and recently decided that he wanted to learn how to swim.  I promptly signed him up with Cameron's teacher.  He went happily to his first lesson, although from a distance I could hear him repeatedly answering, "No.  No, I don't sink so.  No, I can't do that," in his gravelly little voice to all of the teacher's questions.  Despite his pessimism, he was going under by the end of the lesson.

The next lesson found Matthew a bit more hesitant.  He stood his ground that he would not be going under water (although he later let me dunk him) and instead practiced his breathing to the side and his arm movements.  Which are infinitely more useful if you'll put your face in but, whatever, we'll get there!
Our drive to swim lessons has proved to be the most interesting part of the story however.  It's about a, oh, I don't know . . . three minute drive to the pool.  And I should know by now that three minutes is plenty of time to get in trouble.  Halfway there, Matthew said, "Mommy, I ate some money.  Can we go home and get a drink of water?"

I nearly drove off the road.  "WHAT?!?!  You ate what?"

"That money.  I ate a penny aaannnddd I sink I want some water."  You know.  To wash it down. 

All is well, although Matthew is still one penny richer.


Gracefire said...

Eeee, you should call his doctor about the penny if you have not already done so. If the penny was made after 1982, it has the potential to make him very sick. Check out this link for more info.

kimbill16 said...

Oh no, I hope Ella isn't the one who talked him into the wonders of penny-eating!!! Good luck with that!!

Sharon said...

Not to worry -- I promptly called the doctor and the penny has, thankfully, made it's appearance. And I must say, I value it much, much more than your average penny for having made it through my child without long-term damage!