Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Had a Dream

Not like an "I Have a Dream" dream, more like a "How Screwed Up is My Subconscious Mind?" kind of dream.  In it, David and I decided to take Cameron to see a movie, which is weird to begin with because Cameron does not have much interest in seeing movies.  You would think we'd take him to "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" or something, but, no.  We took him to a remake of  "Jaws."  This is a kid who gets scared during previews of Disney movies.  We sat him by himself in the middle of the theatre and we went to sit in the back.  As the movie began, it suddenly occurred to me that this was Not a Good Idea.  I rushed to get Cameron and hurried him out of the theatre.

We exited the theatre into what appeared to be a mall food court.  And this, my friends, is where my subconscious decided I had left my 2-year-old.  Yes, my food-allergic 2-year-old.  Alone in the food court.  I spotted him near a table, eating a muffin.  "Oh no!" I thought.  "Milk and eggs!  And maybe peanuts!"

I rushed towards him and he said, "It's okay, mama.  I asked if I could eat it."  This, you see, is one of our food allergy safety rules.  And even my subconscious loves rules. Matthew pointed at a stranger.  "He said I could eat it." 

I tried to grab the muffin out of Matthew's hand, but he took off running.  Still clutching the muffin, he scampered onto a down escalator with me in pursuit.  As I reached the escalator, I noticed that it descended into a long, dark tunnel of rock.  And above the escalator?  Why, there was a sign that read "Escalator to the Center of the Earth."

My subconscious scares me.


kimbill16 said...

How convenient that you can take an escalator all the way to the center of the earth! Much quicker than digging...

Grandma Linda said...

I still have nightmares that seem to relate to the time Zack hid under a clothes rack in K-Mart & I was screaming for him in the middle of the store! Not good!

I just heard you should train yourself to say 1,2,3 wake up and that will stop the dream.

Let me know if it works.

Rebeccah said...

I'm always amazed at the way our brains deal with our worries. I had a mall dream last week too, except in this one Squeaker had gotten away from me and was running and running as fast as he could in the other direction. It must have been the biggest mall in the world, because I couldn't catch him. (Maybe he and Matthew were meeting up for a secret playgroup?) Just when I fell into total despair, the sound of real-life Squeaker howling on the baby monitor woke me up. Phew!

Sharon said...

Now that sounds like a scary movie -- Matthew and Squeaker: Playdate at the Center of the Earth