Tuesday, April 27, 2010

In Which My Children are Sweet and Innocent

"Matthew, do you like sharing a room with Cameron?"

Matthew nods "yes" vigorously then looks up at me with concern.  "Mama, I so, so sorry that you don't have a bunk bed.  Maybe we can buy you one at the store."

We took a walk around the neighborhood last night and Cameron spotted some cans underneath a big pine tree.  He gasped.  "Someone LITTERED!  We should get those cans and recycle them."  He crawled underneath the branches and retrieved severals cans of Miller and Bud Lite.  "Eww!  There's still soda in some of these!"

"Cameron," I explained, "that's beer.  I think probably some kids who are not old enough to drink alcohol were out here drinking that beer, and they threw the cans under the tree to hide them."

Cameron shook his head sadly.  "What a shame that some people don't behave responsibly," he said.

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

Are you going to ask for bunk beds for Mother's Day?

Grandpa Frank and I were thinking about this, but neither of us wanted the bottom bunk.