Sunday, January 25, 2009

That's my name, don't wear it out

Yesterday, Matthew started saying his name. We've heard him say "Ma-dew" and Ma-cew" before and thought he was trying to say his name, but yesterday we'd ask, "What's your name?" and he would triumphantly shout, "Ma-ttew!"

Later in the evening, Matthew heard me mention a boy in Cameron's class named Dylan. As it so happens, one of Matthew's only close-in-age friends is also named Dylan and he grew quite excited. "Dylan! Dylan!" he shouted.

Later still, I asked again, "What's your name?"

"DYLAN!" he yelled.

"No, no. Your name is Matthew. What's your name?"


As much as I insisted his name was Matthew, he insisted even more fervently that his name was Dylan. We all teased him, calling him Dylan and egging him on to say his name.

Then, this afternoon, I heard Matthew waking up from his nap. As I walked down the hall, I called out, as I do every day, "Is that my Matthew?"

Only instead of hearing a little voice reply, "Yah," I heard him say, "No."

I tried again. "Is that my Matthew?"


Then, it came to me. "Is that my Dylan?"



Grandma Linda said...

Matthew is a natural born comedian, although his knock-knock jokes still need a little work.

Zack said...

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, take my diaper, please...."