Monday, January 5, 2009

Lament of the Stay At Home Parent

David returned to work today, after many days of family togetherness. The boys are missing him. "Mommy?" said Cameron. "I love you. A lot. Like this much." He stretched his hands apart. "And I love Daddy this much." He stretched his hands a few millimeters farther.

"You had a lot of fun with Daddy, huh?" I replied. "It's okay to love him just a little more than me!"

"Yeah," said Cameron. "Just a little more than you. But I like him WAY more than you."


kimbill16 said...

Sigh . . . why does the stay-at-home parent never get to be the fun parent?

Anonymous said...

They say the sweetest things, don't they! Insert eye rolling here. SIGH