Tuesday, August 5, 2008


When Matthew was just beginning to babble, he'd often say "Dididididi!" One day, without much thought to the future, I said to Cameron, "Matthew thinks your name is Didi! Listen, he's saying your name!" Cameron was astounded and delighted. Every time Matthew said "Didi," Cameron would shout, "That's right Matthew! I'm your Didi!" Well, as you may have predicted, Matthew really DOES call Cameron "Didi" now.
Here's Didi, showing off his signature sense of style in the classic football jersey and sweater vest combo. It's on all the runways this year -- mark my words, you will ALL be buying jerseys and vests this fall.


Grandma Linda said...

I think I saw this look on Project Runway.

Ninette said...

Guess what, they use "Didi" for sister in parts of India. So it is pretty close when you see your two boys using it. I don't know the term for brother that is equivalent.

Sharon said...

Wow, Ninette, what a coincidence! Although I don't think I'll tell Cameron that his nickname means sister!