Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brothers Having Fun

As Matthew gets more mobile, more verbal and more interactive, he and Cameron have much more fun (as well as much more conflict!) Let's conveniently ignore the conflict (which I do not typically document on film) and instead enjoy some of the fun.
Here, Cameron and Matthew compete in a new Olympic sport created by none other than Cameron. It is called "Cargo Cart," or more specifically "Men's Doubles Cargo Cart." Basically, one member sits in a small wagon meant for toys, not people. The other member pulls the wagon around and around and around a chair.

During the above race, Matthew was actually laughing and yelling "Go go go!" (Not as impressive as it sounds. He yells "Go go go!" alot. Always three "go's.") After several break-neck spins around the chair, Cameron shouted "And the Americans WIN!" and Matthew clapped his hands appreciatively.

Next, I share a photo of Cameron and Matthew playing Star Wars. For the more observant readers, let me address a few issues. 1) Yes, they are McDonald's Happy Meal toys. 2) Yes, there are three of them. Give me a break! We spent HOURS in the car driving to and from MI for our vacation. If a Happy Meal will buy me a little peace and quiet, I'm pulling up to the drive through. 3) Yes, they are for the 3+ crowd. The baby was closely supervised at all times during the filming.

What cracks me up here is that both boys are making flying sounds with their lips. How cute is that?!?

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

It is so wonderful to see the boys playing together now. I'm sure Zack is envious that Cameron got a brother.