Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baking bliss

When I was a kid, I remember the sheer joy of licking the bowl when my mom made brownies, the delicious delight of eating frosting right off the beaters. At some point, thanks to the risks of raw egg consumption, this practice became taboo. Poor Cameron had never experienced this childhood pleasure until now. You see, thanks to Matthew's multiple food allergies, I am becoming a whiz at alternate baking strategies. The other day, I made Frosted Maple Drop cookies, using a mix of vegetable oil, baking powder and water to substitute for egg and Earth's Balance spread to substitute for butter. The results, both baked and unbaked, were delectable.

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

Yummm... The cookies sounds delicious. Any photos of Matthew trying to lick the frosting off his cookie?