Monday, November 29, 2010

Rootsman Drag?

Matthew loves to listen to the same CD over and over and over.  For the past month, minimum, it has been Putamayo Kids Reggae Playground.  We've recently progressed to listening to the whole CD, but the first song is his favorite and for several weeks we listened to it exclusively.  It's called "Rootsman Dread" and starts out, "Daddy, Daddy!  It's Rootsman Dread!"  Rootsman Dread is described as "a colorful character beloved by children."  Matthew agrees with the both the "beloved" and the "colorful" part.  Each morning he pleads, "Mommy, I want to listen to 'My Dress.'"  Then he sings his little heart out.  "Daddy, Daddy!  It's just my dress!"


Gail said...

That is so funny! I just love Matthew! Nevy also loves that CD and that song. I am partial to song number 2, but I don't think she agrees with me. :)

Sharon said...

I love that you and Nevy listen to that CD, too! I also like track 2, but it is not Matthew's favorite.

Matthew also thinks that, a few lines into "Rootsman Dread," Johnny Dread sings, "Maroon, sparkly!" which only solidifies his conviction that the song is about a dress.