Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thinking Outside the Tub

"Hey, Cameron, it's Picture Day at school today," I said.  "You need to take a shower this morning."

"Whaaattt???  But I just took a shower," Cameron protested.

"You still need to take a shower.  Your hair is sticking up.  After your shower, I'll blow dry it so it looks nice."

Cameron flattened his hair with his hand, but it sprang right back up.  "Does it look good now?"

"Nope, still sticking up."


"Nope, still sticking up.  You need to take a shower."

Then, I was distracted by Matthew for a few moments.  "Hey!" called Cameron triumphantly.  "Is it sticking up NOW?"  I turned to see him holding a pair of scissors.  Holding. A. Pair. Of. Scissors.

My mouth dropped open.  "Cameron.  Please tell me you didn't cut your hair.  Oh my gosh.  Cameron.  Did you CUT your HAIR?!?!"

Cameron quickly sensed that this plan was not going the way he had envisioned.  (Cameron's vision:  "Oh, Cameron!  How clever!  You just cut off the hair that was sticking up!  No need for a shower now!  How about we eat candy and play video games instead?") 

He immediately burst into tears, sobbing for about 15 minutes, filled with regret.  "I thought it was a good plan," he cried.  "But I made a mistake!"

Thankfully, the trim is not noticeable and he should look just fine for photos.  After a shower.


kimbill16 said...

Yikes! Just make sure he doesn't forget his pants ... they are recommended. (Sofie got the same picture day form and I laughed out loud when I saw it!)

Anonymous said...

God bless him.

One of my 5 year olds (when she was 5, I mean) shaved her eyebrows. She saw me plucking mine and wanted to make hers pretty.

They were not so pretty.

And there was no fixing them.

I can laugh now. Not so much, then.

theferrarofour said...

It ALWAYS happens right before picture day!

LOL---doesn't cut it. (no pun intended)

Sharon said...

Kim -- Pants, check!

Corey -- SHAVED eyebrows?!? I'm putting the razor on a higher shelf right now and making sure the boys never, ever witness me plucking my eyebrows.

Jencie -- Ha!