Thursday, September 3, 2009


Our family confuses people. I am well aware of this. Sometimes it leads people to ask prying questions, sometimes it leads to awkward verbage. But the other day, it led to one of the funniest conversations I've ever had. I was walking with my two boys when a woman stopped me. "I haven't met you before," she said with a smile. "But I've met your kids." This was a good start -- she realized that they both were my kids. But then it got weird. "And I've met your . . . um . . . uh . . . I've met your . . . ahhhh . . . the man that you live with . . . who helps you take care of your kids sometimes?"

"Um, you mean, my husband?"

I have assured David that from now on I will be referring to him as "the man that I live with who helps me take care of my kids sometimes."


Zack F said...

"Oh you mean my sugar daddy! Yeah he's fantastic, pays for me and my kids, pays for my car, pays for my bingo money."

Rachel said...

So funny! Very convenient to live with the guy who helps you take care of your children and all.

Sharon said...

In retrospect, I think I should have replied, "Which one?"

Christine said...

Yeah, it totally makes sense that DAVID is the odd one in your family. ;)

Kendra said...

Oh, that is PRICELESS!

Rebeccah said...

Hilarious! : )

Ninette said...

Too funny!