Monday, December 21, 2009

Who's Dat?

Matthew is still fascinated by his "Family Book."  We stopped by the adoption agency the other day and he had it with him.  I chatted with a social worker briefly, handed off some stuff for J. and started gathering the boys to leave.  "I have dis," announced Matthew, holding his book out to the social worker. 

"Oh," she said kindly, "how nice!"  We flipped through a few pages, and pointed out photos of interest. 

I pointed to a photo of J.  "Who's this?" I said to Matthew.  He peered up at the social worker through his eyelashes, smiling shyly.  We waited a few seconds, then said our goodbyes. 

As we walked out, Matthew turned and shouted, with a big smile on his face, "That's J!"

The only person Matthew appears to have any difficulty in recognizing in the book is . . . me!  As we looked through the book a few days ago, he pointed out the people in this photo:

"Dat's Maffew," he said.  "And dat's Didi kissing Maffew.  And dat's . . . Grandma Linda!"

"No, Matthew," I said, "that's mama!"

He looked at me suspiciously and then replied slowly, "Nooooo.  Dat's Grandma Linda."

A few pages later we reached this photo, from the finalization in court.  "Der's Maffew with Daddy!" he cried, pointing.  "And dat's the judge!  And Didi!  Oh, and Auntie Stephanie is dere, too!"

Oh well, it's close enough.


Deb said...

Isabel won't point me out in pictures at all. I'm told it's because it's me asking. I don't believe it.

Anonymous said...

Well, that one does kind of look like Steph...I can give the kid a break! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi - I follow your lovely blog from overseas. :-) I too have a biological son and an adopted son 2.5 years apart. I want to make a book about the first part of his life too - it's an open adoption, so I can include pictures from pregnancy, birth, the first months... But I sometimes ask myself if I should make one for the big brother too? With pictures from my pregnancy with him, his birth, hospital stay and so on? What do you think? As any mother I want both of them to feel special, loved and welcome.

Sharon said...

Hi Kirstine! Matthew love his book -- I'd encourage you to make one for your son, too! We made sure that Matthew's story included a lot about Cameron's role as a big brother. Cameron loves being a big brother and I think he feels special when he reads about when he first met Matthew, etc. My sister did make a book for her biological daughter, though, about her birth and it's lovely! If you had time to do one for each boy, I think that'd be wonderful!

William said...

Thanks (!) for your input. Our story is still unfolding as the adoption isn't finalized yet. Baby Benjamin is 2 months old. I can't wait to have our picture taken with the judge n' all!