Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Matthew's Favorite Book

For two years now, I've been planning to make Matthew a book of his adoption story.  I delayed and delayed, searching for just the right words, just the right pictures.  And then, a couple of weeks ago, I just decided to do it.  And I did.  All of a sudden, I knew what I wanted the book to say and I wrote it and ordered it! 

Yesterday, the finished product arrived in the mail.  Matthew and I sat down together on the couch to read it and he was fascinated.  He pointed to each picture, asking "Who's dat?" and delighting when the answer was "Baby Matthew!" 

When Cameron got home from school, Matthew hurried to get the book and show it to him.  "Family book," he explained.  "It about baby Matthew.  And it about J."  And it is -- it is the story of Matthew's birth, his adoption and his families. 

At bedtime, Matthew asked me to read "the J. book" and, when I finished, asked me to read it again. 

This morning, Matthew got the book down off the shelf, called for Cameron, and then both boys sat on my lap while I read the book.  This time, Matthew imitated himself in each photo.  "I looking at Daddy like this," he said, dropping his mouth open and staring up just like baby Matthew was doing in the photo.  "I sleeping, like this," he said, closing his eyes just like baby Matthew did. 

Cameron was also interested, excitedly saying, "I remember that!" as he looked at the photos of meeting Matthew at the hospital, bringing him home and going to court.  We read the book three times in a row. And I can't wait to read it again tonight!


Grandma Linda said...

What a wonderful idea! I can't wait to see the book. I want Matthew to read it to me. He must have it memorized by now.

Anonymous said...

Your sons are seriously cute. Matthew looks a lot like my friend's son Schnider (well, technically he's not her son, he was here on a medical visa from Haiti..) http://sisterhaiti.blogspot.com/2008/09/some-random-recent-s-pictures.html (The lip is not the same.. Schnider had cleft lip/palate).

Thanks for sharing your blog.. I put you in my reader!


Chaz said...

As I was perusing random blogs, I ran across yours. As a Children's Service Worker, I am so glad you are sharing your story. It inspired me tonight. Sometimes the uninspiring stories of the job cloud out the amazing parts of it. Thank you.

Sharon said...

Corey -- Thanks so much! I love reading your blog!

Charles -- Your comment put a big smile on my face. So glad that you enjoyed reading about my family!