Monday, June 4, 2007

Week in review

As Stephanie can attest to, Cameron can be a bit challenging at times as recently demonstrated by a gigantic tantrum at KMart over a pair of Spiderman flip flops. Enraged by his inability to obtain aforementioned flip flops through begging, he yelled, "I want a new family!" as I carried him sobbing from the store. It's tough to be three. He repeated this performance when it was time to leave the park shown here:

Now, to be fair, it is LOTS of fun to play at a park with Daddy and VERY disappointing to then be told by your mean Mommy that it's time to go home. Hopefully this is a short-lived phase . . .

This past weekend, we made the loooonnnnggg trip up to Michigan. Thank goodness for portable DVD players and Rescue Heroes: The Movie. (In case you have been considering renting Rescue Heroes: The Movie, let me forewarn you that the plot is so complex that even after viewing three or four times, you may find yourself asking, "Wait. So did Billy Blazes contract his mysterious illness during his mission on the volcano, or was it during the resultant massive electrical storm?") When we finally arrived, though, we had a great visit with my grandparents and many other family members.

Additionally, David and I had the opportunity to go out to dinner by ourselves. For those who don't know, this is a rare and treasured opportunity. I was positively giddy to be out without having to look over the kiddie menu. It sounded something like this:

David: Want to order an appetizer?

Sharon: YES!

David: Should we get some wine?

Sharon: YES!

Waitress: Would you like to hear about our specials tonight?

Sharon: YES! YES I WOULD! Followed by Sharon enthusiastically saying things like "Mmmmm! Sounds delicious! Yummmm!" even to menu items she would never in a million years eat such as pork chops.

I think the waitress was probably wondering if I had forgotten to take my meds. Ahhhh. It was great. So, thanks Mom and Dad, for the free babysitting!


Grandma Linda said...

Once again, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I still remember the huge wing-dingy you threw in Kmart at age 3-1/2. You grew out of that stage quickly and Cameron will too. He was a perfect angel this weekend and we loved watching him so you could enjoy an evening out.

Grandpa said...

Injoyed your pitcurs