Monday, June 11, 2007


Yesterday we went to the zoo and saw the Superhero Search show. As I am sure you can imagine, it was a highly sophisticated production with a riveting storyline about safety/eating healthy/getting lots of physical activity so you, too, can be a superhero. Cameron was glued for the first half, although I think even he felt the show fell apart a bit towards the end . . .

One of the highlights of the show was when a REAL bad guy sat down RIGHT next to Cameron! He even talked to him! Not to fear, though, because Spiderman got that bad guy and took him to jail.

Later in the day we went to a picnic that just happened to have a clown painting faces. One second Cameron is playing on the playground, the next I look and find him seated in front of the clown covered in red face paint. Here is the end result!

Change of topic: Tonight as I was putting Cameron to bed, I pulled out some old scrapbooks with photos of David and I in our high school and college days. Cameron immediately recognized me, but pointed at a photo of David and asked, "Who's THAT?" When I told him it was Daddy, he laughed and yelled, "That's HILARIOUS!" (For those who don't know, David did go through a rebellious, longish frizzy hair phase in college, complete with chops.) I'll have to scan that photo and post it here so that you can all share in Cameron's amusement!


Grandma Linda said...

Can't wait to see the frizzy hair photo!

Grandpa said...


Sharon said...

Hi Grandpa! So glad you can see photos of Cameron here!