Friday, March 18, 2011


When I picked Cameron up from school yesterday, he said, "Jay wants me to bring in the leprechaun vest as proof.  And that drawing that the toothfairy left me."

"Oh," I said, "Jay doesn't believe in leprechauns and toothfairies?"

"OF COURSE he believes in the tooth fairy!" Cameron scoffed.  "But not leprechauns.  He said there can't be leprechauns because a leprechaun has never visited his house.  And I said, 'That's not even a logical argument.  That's like saying, 'It's impossible to fall off a cliff because I've never fallen off a cliff.'"

Which is a pretty good counter argument for a first grader, I thought.  "Hmmm," I said.  "What do you think?  Do you think there are really leprechauns and toothfairies or do you think it's pretend?"

At Christmas, I kept waiting for the "Santa's not really real" talk with Cameron, but it didn't come.  Now, I fully expected Cameron to say something like, "Well, I'm not sure but . . . I think maybe it's not real." 

Instead, he said, "I think it's REAL.  I mean, if it isn't real, what does that mean?  Like, who is leaving me quarters for my teeth?  Who wrote the note from the leprechaun and gave me a Hex Bug?  I mean, that's actually a lot of work.  And, wouldn't it be sort of creepy?  Like, what, some guy sneaks in our house to pretend he's a leprechaun?  I don't think so!"

I'm starting to think I'm a little TOO convincing at being Santa/a toothfairy/a leprechaun.  "Well, what if you found out it was pretend?" I said.

"Hmmm," he considered.  "You know what?  I still think it's real but even if it isn't, that's okay.  Because it sure is fun!"

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