Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Laughing Matter

I've been struggling with Matthew lately, who has started saying, "I can't," "I don't want to," and "It's too hard" to everything.  Go to school?  "I don't want to."  Soccer class?  "It's too hard."  Use the potty?  "I can't." 

So a few days ago, we had a Big Serious Talk about trying.  The above phrases were added to "It's not fair"  and "This is yucky" on the list of Things We Don't Say.  I told Matthew that even if something was hard, I wanted him to try because trying helps you learn. 

I wasn't sure if he got it or not until I was laying on the couch watching Survivor late one night.  Suddenly, Matthew appeared at the end of the couch.  He had padded silently down the hall and was watching an Immunity Challenge intently.  He turned to me and solemnly announced, "I don't think I can do that.  It's too hard."  Then he broke into a wide grin and laughed, "I'm just being silly, Mama!"

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