So, can I tell you how great today has been? I'm involved in a writing community called
Women Writing for (a) Change and today I attended a writing marathon. This summer has been pretty crazy and I haven't written, aside from the rare blog post, at all. And I've missed it, a lot. Typically, I write about my kids or about adoption or about being a multiracial family. But today, I just wrote for fun. One of the writing prompts was to write a story using as many of the following details as you could, brainstormed by the group.
Names: Sarah, Jose, Mephisto, Jules
Places: A college bar, the hospital, school cafeteria, the corner, the park
Random details: a shy smile, a sudden storm, a pink flower, a diploma, leather pants, 3 white daisies, a diamond ring
Conflicts: missing money, betrayal, leaving home, changing careers, unwanted commitment
Well, I took one look at that list and immediately thought of what I'm sure you're thinking of . . . The Bachelorette. So, without further ado, here's my piece.
This season on "The Bachelorette," we've watched city girl Sarah Harper through many ups and downs on her search for love and happiness. She started with thirty men (cut to video montage) and we've cried with her through the bad times (show clip of Sarah confronting Mephisto about missing money) and cheered for her during the good times (show Sarah and Jose on their fantasy date, accepting honorary diplomas from White Pigeon Community College).
Now, Sarah faces an impossible choice -- handsome construction worker Jules or bartender and aspiring actor Jose. (Show clip of Jules picking pink flower and gazing reflectively at ocean, followed by clip of Jose tying three white daisies with a ribbon while gazing reflectively at sunset.)
And now . . . the dramatic conclusion of season 46 of "The Bachelorette." (Show Sarah twirling before mirror in sequined dress.)
(Cut to park with wooden platform overlooking duck pond. Show Sarah walking slowly to the platform. Cue shy smile at camera. Cut to flashbacks with voiceover.) "When Jules stepped out of the limo that first night wearing those leather pants, I knew he was someone special. I mean, he's the total package. He's
super good looking and he's funny (cut to footage of Jules dancing on the table top during one-on-one date at Sarah's hometown college bar) and he's really
brave (show footage of Jules gritting teeth in ambulance on the way to the hospital after falling off table top).
But then there's Jose. It was his awesome body that first caught my eye. And it
is awesome. (Cut to footage of Sarah and Jose in hot tub during one-on-one date.) But when I found out that he does puppet shows in the elementary school cafeteria once a month, I realized that there's more to him than just his awesome body. And it
is awesome.
(Cut to footage of Sarah staring pensively at framed photos of Jules and Jose.) I mean, I'm falling in love with two men. And I need to figure out the answers to some tough questions. (Cut to stock footage of sudden storm.)
Like, Jules still lives with his mother. Is he ready to leave home and commit to me?
And Jose is
totally able to open up and tell me he loves me. But he's also trying to change careers. Does he really want to spend his life with me, or is this just a chance to break into acting?
(Show footage of Jules and Jose each at jewelers, examining diamond rings. Cut to Sarah, standing on platform at duck pond.) "But I came here to find one man to spend my life with and now I know what I want. Now I know who I want to spend my life with."
(Cut to footage of limo pulling up at corner. Cue dramatic music. Show limo door opening and non-descript men's dress shoe stepping out. Cut to commercial.)