Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Soccer star

When Matthew was a baby, Cameron took a soccer class.  Matthew would crawl to the window, pull himself up and smoosh his face against the glass.  He'd watch the action with clear envy written on his face and sign "ball, ball."

So today was a long time coming.

Matthew started soccer class.

He could hardly wait to get out on the field and kept saying to me, "Do you think I'm going to be goalie?  I'm going to say to the coach, 'Hey coach.  Can I be goalie?  'Cause I want to be goalie.'"  He wasn't goalie since there is no goaltending in 3 year old soccer class.  He was happy to run around, practice his dribbling (and stealing the ball, which was not part of the drill but whatever . . . he's advanced!) and make some impressive shots on goal.

When we left he said, "When's my next soccer class?"

"Next week," I answered.


"No.  Next week."


"You already had soccer class today."

"Today again?"

He loved it.

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

I always knew Matthew was advanced!