Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Big boy goodbyes

Matthew started going to his new preschool about a week ago.  He's loving it and has happily said goodbye to me every morning.  This morning, as usual, I bent down to give him a hug before I left.  He glanced around uncomfortably and, from a few feet away, gave me a little wave.  "Bye Mom."
"Can I have my hug?" I said.

"Moooommmm," he muttered as I knelt with my arms spread foolishly.

"So . . . can I have a high five?"  He reluctantly high fived me and hurried off to join his friends.

Tonight, he told me that I can hug him anytime.  At home.  Not at school.  But, if I would like to give him a fist bump and say, "Blow it up!" when I drop him off at school, that would be acceptable.


Melissa said...

Hahaha! What a cutie! Err, toughie. Yes, tough guy ;)

Corlia said...

Such a boy :)

By the way, I receive the Adoption Magazine all the way here in South Africa and was SO suprised to see you article. I just finished reading "Growing up Black and White" and between the book and your article I really got a lot to think about.