Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All grown up

*sniff*  It seems like it was only weeks ago that Pete came into our lives.  A cute little tadpole, all head and tail.  Ohhh, how clearly I remember feeding him bloodworms and cleaning his aquarium.  And then, before you know it, he's a frog. 

To prevent Pete from devouring his aquarium-mates and taking our home learning straight from "unforgettable first hand experience" to "traumatic childhood memory," we took Pete back to his original home last weekend and set him free.

To my great relief, he hopped away into the water without being swallowed by a fish or snapped up by a turtle.  The boys seemed completely matter-of-fact about the farewell.  "Can we eat now?" said Cameron.  "Can we throw rocks now?" said Matthew. 

So long, Pete.

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