Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's complicated.

Today, I was driving with Cameron, Matthew and one of Cameron's friends in the car.  Matthew said what sounded like, "Frogs are made from gravity." 

"What?  Did you say FROGS are made from GRAVITY?" I said.

"Nooooo," replied Matthew.  "CLOUDS are made from GRAVITY."

This lead to an unexpected conversation about what frogs ARE made from, if not gravity.

"Frogs are made from wood," said Matthew authoritatively.

"No," countered the friend, "frogs are made from skin.  Or are they?  What ARE frogs made from?"
Cameron gave a heavy sigh.  "Oh, Mommy.  I think you'll have to explain it to them.  Because, guys, to explain what frogs are made of, I'd really have to start by explaining Phylum Chordata.  And that could take a while."


Christine said...

Cameron really said "Phylum Chordata"?? I'm so impressed. That's it. I'm bringing my kids to see yours every other weekend. Maybe they'll rub off. ;)

Sharon said...

He really did say it, but it is not representative of our daily conversations! It seems that they had just learned about Phylum Chordata at school that afternoon, so it was fresh in his mind. Not fresh in mine, however, as I declined to be the one to explain it!