Monday, August 30, 2010

All's Fair in Our House

Recently, I enacted a new rule at our house.  No one is allowed to say, "It's not fair."  Despite the fact that many of my rules are routinely ignored, as evidence by the underwear on the bathroom floor and the Lego-shaped bruise on my foot, the boys took this one very seriously.  If anyone should dare utter, "It's not fair" -- or the alternative "It's no fair," -- they are swiftly corrected.  Usually by Matthew.

The other night, I was reading Matthew a Charlie and Lola book (his new most utterly favoritest and best book series).  Lola said, "But Charlie, it's not fair!"  Matthew gasped, horror-struck.  "Mama!" he whispered in a shocked tone, "LOLA just said, 'It's not fair!'"

Cameron has come up with a more creative solution.  He recently witnessed a word being bleeped out on TV and asked what that *beeeep* noise meant.  "Well," I answered, "sometimes people use words they shouldn't use.  Words that aren't very nice.  When that happens on TV, they cover up the bad word with that beep sound."

So now Cameron says, "It's not beeeeeppp!"  Which is technically not covered by the rule.


kimbill16 said...

Wow, they always find the bleeping loophole, don't they? Cameron is too clever!!

NWAdoptiveMom said...

Cute! We tell our daughter not to be a "loop-hole looie" and she seems to get our point. Our daughter is a tween and so depending on what is working well at the moment we'll sometimes fine her for phrases that aren't appropriate or we'll use one of our phrases on her. :)