Friday, June 4, 2010


Cameron has started keeping a journal, which warms this writer's heart.  He decorated the cover, used the first few pages to write some stories and draw some pictures, and then decided to make it a "private journal."  Each night, he retrieves the private journal from it's hiding place, writes the date and then records the events of the day.  Occasionally, he climbs down the ladder of the bunk bed and finds me to ask something like, "How do you spell 'Memorial?'" 

He's quite proud of his private journal, and shows me his private entries every morning.  Earlier this week he suggested that he might take his private journal to school and read the class a few of his private entries for news time.  "That would be fine," I told him, "except a private journal is not really private if you read it out loud to your kindergarten class."

"Ahhhh," he replied, tapping his chin as he considered this.  "You have a point.  Maybe I'll share my rock collection instead.  Hey!  Do you want to read what I wrote in my private journal last night?"


Grandma Linda said...

How sweet that you are still a part of the private club. Enjoy it. It won't last forever.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. If he posted his private journal on the internet, he could be a blogger! ;-)