Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cameron Writes

For his recent graduation from kindergarten, Cameron was given a Dr. Seuss book called "A Book About Me."  The first day of summer vacation, he woke up anxious to work on it.  For hours, he counted his freckles, he reflected upon his favorite foods, he considered his future.  Much of the contents of the completed book were no surprise to me -- I know the kid fairly well, it turns out.  But on a few pages, his answers were unexpected.  Like this one.

He's fairly literal, it appears.

Some of his answers were so, so "Cameron, age 6" that I could hardly stand it.  I think this page is my favorite.  It reads "When I Grow Up, I Want to Be Legomaker."  I also love that, in the list of possible career choices, Cameron crosses one out.  It said "Indian," and right above it is the ever-popular career choice of "cowboy."  Cameron explained his editing to me quite heatedly.  "Can you believe they put 'Indian' here?  Indian?  First of all, they prefer to be called Native Americans.  And second of all, uhhh, it's not like you can grow up and be like, 'Oh, I want to be a Native American.' They're real people!"  I love that kid so much. 

He's so awesome. 

For my birthday, I found this on my pillow.


His spelling is usually a bit better, but he did this in his bunk bed after we thought he was asleep.  And that's an honest to goodness Susan B. Anthony folks.  No quarters on MY birthday!  Cameron keeps asking me what I'm going to spend it on, flummoxed by my answer that I am going to keep it forever.


kimbill16 said...

Everything about this is so adorable, it makes me cry!! The whole "Indian" thing .. wow .. super proud parenting moment!!

theferrarofour said...

Ahhhhh! I still have my childhood copy of this book, I'm so happy for him to have it too!

The end brought tears to my eyes. That is one amazing kiddo!