Friday, March 26, 2010

Getting Through the Week

On Tuesday, I sent Cameron to school with a bit of a cough and cold. Nothing alarming -- it had already made it's rounds through the rest of us.  Tuesday night, the cough and cold turned to scary wheezing and by Wednesday morning, Cameron was really, really sick.  A frantic trip to the pediatrician resulted in a diagnosis of walking pneumonia.

So, Wednesday was already a bad day but on top of that I had one of the worst migraines I've ever had.  And Matthew?  Matthew was totally healthy and full of energy.  So Cameron and I lay listless on our respective couches while Matthew jumped and climbed and yelled and whined and I whimpered, "Please.  No talking."  It was baaaaaad, y'all.

A good night's sleep and antibiotics for Cameron made a world of difference and Thursday was a much better day.  Cameron was still tired, but otherwise feeling pretty good and I was in that drained but oh so grateful to be painfree state that I get in after a migraine.  You know, where you find it amazing that you can do things like sit up or enter a room with a light on without wanting to die? 

We declared it a pajama day and spent our time playing, watching a movie and staging Lego races.  Here's an action sequence of Matthew's Lego car blasting through a wall of plastic cups.  Awesome.
Cameron also made me a very sweet Lego creation that said "LOVE."  In his other hand, he is holding what I thought was a Lego space alien but turns out to be a Lego model of . . . me. 
For reasons unbeknownst to me but oddly appropriate, Matthew spent much of the day running around yelling, "Bezerk!  Bezerk!  Bezerk!"  He also repeatedly shouted, "Shani Davis?  WHAT?!?!"  as if we were actively watching the Olympics.

Cameron requested that I renew his Lego Brickmaster membership.  I reminded him that last year he earned his membership by completing numerous household tasks and that I would be happy to make a new list for him to tackle.  "Did you know that my friend has been a Brickmaster since he was four?" asked Cameron.

"Really?" I responded.

"Yes.  And guess what HE has to do to get his Brickmaster membership each year?"


"He has to say, 'Hey mom?  Can I be a Brickmaster again?'"  Cameron raised his eyebrows.

"Wow," I answered, "he's a lucky kid.  I'll get that list ready for you to start on!"  I'm so mean, people.

1 comment:

Grandma Linda said...

The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree!

Do you remember our Saturday chore days when I put everyone to work, including Dad?