Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obvious Observation

I am in the kids' shoe aisle in Target. As I try to get Cameron to stop talking and wiggling and talking and just put his foot in the shoe, Matthew takes off down the aisle. He comes to a quick stop when a woman comes around the corner. He gazes up at her. "Hi!" she says. She scans the aisle and sees only Cameron and me.

"Matthew," I call, serving to alert her that this child is not alone but is in fact with me.

"He's sooo cute!" she says.


She looks at a few shoes, then heads down another aisle, only to loop back around. She points at Cameron. "I should have said that they're both cute!"

"Thanks!" I repeat.

Then she does squinty-eyed head tilt, as if examining something. She points to Cameron again. "And he looks a little bit more like you," she observes.

That Cameron looks more like me than Matthew does is so far beyond obvious that I have no idea how to even respond. As I search for a reasonable response, since "No duh" seems a bit juvenille, she continues. "I think it's the eyes. His eyes look more like yours."

The eyes? You really think that's it, lady? For lack of a better response, I again say, "Thanks."

I'm still entirely perplexed. People respond to our family in many different ways, some of which are entirely offensive (even if well-intentioned). I wasn't offended by this woman, just confused!


Neelu said...

Sharon, funny that she decided to use the eyes to point out similarities. You should have said "The eyes? You really think that's it, lady? " - I wonder what her reaction would have been. Ok, yeah that would not be considered polite but its ok to not be polite once in a while;)

Unknown said...

So funny I really just started rolling laughing out loud in my office. Your blog is so entertaining. You have inspired me to start my own, although I am no where near the writer that you are. Keep the stories coming!!

kimbill16 said...

I don't know . . . I think it's more in the hair. That's how I can tell, anyway.

Zack F said...

I always thought it was the fingernails..... this lady is clearly more observant than I am.

Michelle said...

That is hillarious..I would have been speachless too..I think your "thoughts" should be spoken! ;) we are adopting as well.. and we are getting the same questions.. but no.. I can't say that I have heard that one yet.. our big one is " What country is she from?" as soon as I see a stranger aproaching I whisper to whoever is with me.." She's from HERE.. HERE ok??" hehe.. so predictable.