Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No, really

The boys and I were playing with Legos this morning when Matthew dropped a piece under the table. As I reached down and picked it up, he said, "I got it." (Really. He's quite a talker.)

"That's okay Matthew!" I answered. "I already picked it up. See?"

Taking the Lego from my hand he replied, "Oh, right." This is Matthew's new favorite line. His response to everything is "Oh, right." We have no idea where he got it from.

Matthew held the Lego for a moment, looked thoughtful, then reached down, dropped it on the floor and said, "I got it!" as he hopped off the chair and scooted under the table.


Grandma Linda said...

I wonder if he could get a job as a talking baby, like in the commercials? Can you look into this?

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love when the little ones do things like that. My daughter used to sit in her high chair when I was feeding her & hold out her sippy cup, and say, "Uh-Oh!" right before she'd throw it on the floor. Of course I made the mistake of laughing really hard...needless to say, it became a habit!