Sunday, November 11, 2007

Realizations at the Mall

My mom and her best friend, Pat, visited us this weekend and we had a great time with them! Cameron said of Pat after they left, "At first I didn't know if she would be mean or nice. But she was really nice!" Pat won Cameron over by reading him several long "Magic Schoolbus" books.
The visit also meant that David and I had the rare opportunity to go out. We went and saw "Dan in Real Life," which I would give an enthusiastic two thumbs up. However, you may want to consult a more unbiased source before you buy your tickets. You see, when you only go to a grown up movie about once a year you are very easily amused. "Oooh, moving pictures! Of REAL people! No animation!" I realized it had been too long when I found myself laughing loudly during the pre-movie commercials. Yes, you read that right. Not even the PREVIEWS. I was laughing at the Pepsi commercial! (By the way, a note to other sleep-deprived mommies out there: They are now making a new Pepsi with Ginseng and extra caffeine! I don't even like soda but I found myself thinking, "Hmmm. Extra caffeine! Not a bad idea!")

Well, if I thought the commercials were good, the previews had me in tears from laughing so hard and by the time we reached the amusing parts of the movie I'm sure the people around us were regretting their choice of seats. I can imagine the conversations after the show: "She LOOKED normal! But, I mean, CLEARLY, something was not qite right with that one!"

The other realization I had at the mall was that I am not a teenager anymore. Not even close. And would no longer be mistaken for one. The theater was packed with girls who appeared to be a size -2. All were wearing clothes that must be fashionable but I would never have guessed. Yes, gone are the days when I felt in tune with the young people, now I relate to the middle-aged mom with the bratty kid in tow and the cute Vera Bradley bag.


Grandma Linda said...

The photos are very nice! We had a great time this weekend. I'm so lucky to have Pat as a friend. She's game for just about anything!

KJ said...

I am laughing out loud at ""Oooh, moving pictures! Of REAL people! No animation!" That is so us, too! Glad you had a nice date night, though!