Monday, October 22, 2007

Bath Time Blues

Cameron is complaining of a stuffy nose, so I filled the tub with nice, hot water -- nothing like a good hot bath when you are feeling under the weather! I always put in two capfuls of California Baby Calming bubble bath (hey, if there is ANY chance it actually calms, I'll try it!). Aww, poor kid doesn't feel good, I thought, and poured in an extra two capfuls. Oooh, tons of bubbles! He'll love this! Cameron hops in the tub, heavy sighs and says resignedly, "Boy, I've got a lot of work to do here, getting rid of all these bubbles!" Oh well, I tried.

A few minutes later, I begin to sing "You are My Sunshine." None too impressed with my singing voice but too tactful to say so, Cameron smiles condescendingly and says, "Oh, Mommy, I have a great idea! Why don't you sing that song to Matthew tomorrow. When I'm at school. Just not now."


RTC said...

Hilarious! I hope you don't mind me lurking on your blog, but it really is one of the best blogs I read - witty, humorous, and insightful! I find it extremely entertaining!

Sharon said...

Love to have you lurk -- especially if you leave me comments like that!